Javascript to map array object weakmap toturial

Javascript to map array object weak map tutorial how to create code?

Javascript to map array object weak map tutorial how to create code?  Javascript to map array object weakmap toturial how createjs code? JavaScript, the ubiquitous language of the web, continues to evolve and offer more sophisticated tools and techniques for developers. One such tool that has gained immense popularity in recent years is the Map object. The JavaScript Map is a versatile data structure that plays a pivotal role in modern web development, enabling developers to work with key-value pairs and harness the power of functional programming. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the intricacies of JavaScript Map, its features, use cases, and how it can significantly enhance your code's readability and maintainability.    Javascript to map array object weakmap toturial how createjs code      Understanding the JavaScript Map What is  Javascript Map? In JavaScript, a Map is a built-in data structure introduced in ECMAScript 2015 (ES6). It is designed to store key-value pairs, allowing for efficient data retrieval based on keys. Unlike JavaScript objects, which have limitations regarding the types of keys they can use (objects and strings only), Map objects can have keys of any data type, including objects, functions, and primitives.    The primary advantages of using  JS Map include:   Preserving Key Order:   A Map maintains the order of keys as they were inserted. This feature is especially useful when you need to iterate over the keys in a specific order.    Flexible Key Types:   As mentioned earlier, Map can use a wide range of data types as keys, providing more flexibility than plain objects.    No Prototype Pollution: Map objects are immune to prototype pollution, a security vulnerability that can affect JavaScript objects.    JAVA SCRIPT Map Methods:   Property	       Description   size	              Returns the number of Map elements    Method	        Description  new Map()	Creates a new Map object  set()	                Sets the value for a key in a Map  get()	        Gets the value for a key in a Map  clear()	        Removes all the elements from a Map  delete()	        Removes a Map element specified by a key  has()	        Returns true if a key exists in a Map  forEach()	        Invokes a callback for each key/value pair in a Map  entries()	       Returns an iterator object with the [key, value] pairs in a Map  keys()	      Returns an iterator object with the keys in a Map  values()	     Returns an iterator object of the values in a Map      Creating a Map  To create a Map in JavaScript, you can use the Map constructor, which can optionally accept an iterable (such as an array) of key-value pairs. Here's an example of creating a simple Map:       const myMap = new Map();  myMap.set('name', 'John');  myMap.set('age', 30);     In this example, we've created a Map called myMap and added two key-value pairs to it.    Basic Operations  Adding and Retrieving Values  To add a key-value pair to a Map, you can use the set() method. To retrieve the value associated with a key, you can use the get() method:     myMap.set('email', '');  const age = myMap.get('age'); // age will be 30     Checking for Key Existence  You can check if a key exists in a Map using the has() method:     const hasName = myMap.has('name'); // hasName will be true  const hasAddress = myMap.has('address'); // hasAddress will be false     Removing a Key-Value Pair  To remove a key-value pair from a Map, you can use the delete() method:     myMap.delete('email'); // Removes the 'email' key-value pair    Getting the Size  The size property of a Map returns the number of key-value pairs it contains:     const mapSize = myMap.size; // mapSize will be 2   Iterating Over a Map  Iterating over the key-value pairs in a Map is straightforward using various methods such as forEach(), for...of loop, and the entries() method:     myMap.forEach((value, key) => {    console.log(`${key}: ${value}`);  });  for (const [key, value] of myMap.entries()) {    console.log(`${key}: ${value}`);  }   These methods make it easy to perform operations on each key-value pair within the Map.    Real-World Use Cases  JavaScript Map can be incredibly versatile and helpful in various scenarios. Let's explore some real-world use cases where Map shines:    1. Caching Data  Map objects are ideal for caching data. You can store the results of expensive function calls and use the function's arguments as keys. This way, if the same function is called again with the same arguments, you can quickly retrieve the cached result instead of recalculating it.     const cache = new Map();    function calculateExpensiveValue(x, y) {    const key = `${x}-${y}`;    if (cache.has(key)) {      return cache.get(key);    }      const result = x * y; // Expensive calculation    cache.set(key, result);    return result;  }      2. Maintaining Order  Map is particularly useful when you need to maintain the order of elements, such as in creating a task list where the order of tasks is crucial.     const taskList = new Map();    taskList.set(1, 'Complete feature A');  taskList.set(2, 'Test feature A');  taskList.set(3, 'Refactor code');     You can then easily iterate over the tasks in the desired order without the need for additional sorting.    3. Working with Datasets  When dealing with datasets, especially those originating from external sources, Map can help you organize and manipulate the data efficiently.     const dataMap = new Map();    // Populate dataMap from an API response  apiResponse.forEach(item => {    dataMap.set(, item);  });    // Retrieve a specific item  const item = dataMap.get(42);      4. Implementing Data Structures  Map can be used to implement more complex data structures like graphs, trees, and sets. You can represent relationships between nodes, organize data hierarchically, or create unique collections of items.    Advanced Techniques  1. Chaining Maps  You can chain multiple Map objects together to create complex data structures. For example, you can create a map of maps to represent a two-dimensional grid:    const grid = new Map();    function addToGrid(x, y, value) {    if (!grid.has(x)) {      grid.set(x, new Map());    }    grid.get(x).set(y, value);  }  This allows you to efficiently store and retrieve values based on their x and y coordinates.    2. WeakMap  In addition to the standard Map, JavaScript also provides a WeakMap object. WeakMap is similar to Map, but with a few key differences. It only accepts objects as keys (not primitives), and it doesn't prevent its keys from being garbage collected when there are no other references to them. This makes WeakMap useful for scenarios where you want to associate data with objects without preventing those objects from being cleaned up by the garbage collector.    Javascript Array map: I believe you might be looking for examples of using Java's Map with arrays. In Java, you can use the Map interface to work with key-value pairs, and you can certainly use arrays as values in a Map. Here are a couple of examples to illustrate this concept:    Example 1:   Using Map with an Array of Integers  In this example, we will create a Map where the keys are strings representing names, and the values are arrays of integers representing scores for each name.     import java.util.Arrays;  import java.util.HashMap;  import java.util.Map;    public class MapWithArrayExample {      public static void main(String[] args) {          // Create a Map to store names and their scores          Map<String, int[]> scoreMap = new HashMap<>();            // Add scores for different names          scoreMap.put("Alice", new int[]{85, 90, 78});          scoreMap.put("Bob", new int[]{92, 88, 95});          scoreMap.put("Charlie", new int[]{78, 87, 80});            // Retrieve and print scores for a specific name          String nameToLookup = "Alice";          int[] scores = scoreMap.get(nameToLookup);            if (scores != null) {              System.out.println(nameToLookup + "'s scores: " + Arrays.toString(scores));          } else {              System.out.println("Name not found.");          }      }  }     In this example, we use int[] (an array of integers) as the value type in the Map, allowing us to store multiple scores for each name.    Example 2:   Using Map with an Array of Strings In this example, we will create a Map where the keys are strings representing cities, and the values are arrays of strings representing tourist attractions in each city.     import java.util.Arrays;  import java.util.HashMap;  import java.util.Map;  public class MapWithArrayExample {      public static void main(String[] args) {          // Create a Map to store cities and their tourist attractions          Map<String, String[]> cityAttractionsMap = new HashMap<>();            // Add tourist attractions for different cities          cityAttractionsMap.put("New York", new String[]{"Statue of Liberty", "Central Park", "Empire State Building"});          cityAttractionsMap.put("Paris", new String[]{"Eiffel Tower", "Louvre Museum", "Notre-Dame Cathedral"});          cityAttractionsMap.put("Tokyo", new String[]{"Tokyo Tower", "Senso-ji Temple", "Shibuya Crossing"});            // Retrieve and print tourist attractions for a specific city          String cityToLookup = "Paris";          String[] attractions = cityAttractionsMap.get(cityToLookup);            if (attractions != null) {              System.out.println("Tourist attractions in " + cityToLookup + ": " + Arrays.toString(attractions));          } else {              System.out.println("City not found.");          }      }  }    In this example, we use String[] (an array of strings) as the value type in the Map, allowing us to store multiple tourist attractions for each city.  These examples demonstrate how you can use Java's Map interface to associate arrays with keys, making it easy to store and retrieve data in a structured manner.    Conclusion  JavaScript Map is a powerful and versatile data structure that should be in every developer's toolkit. It provides an efficient and flexible way to work with key-value pairs, maintain order, and implement various data-related tasks. By understanding its features and use cases, you can write more readable, maintainable, and efficient JavaScript code. So go ahead, start leveraging the power of Map in your projects, and unlock the potential of functional programming in JavaScript.    JavaScript, the ubiquitous language of the web, continues to evolve and offer more sophisticated tools and techniques for  developers. One such tool that has gained immense popularity in recent years is the Map object. The JavaScript Map is a versatile data structure that plays a pivotal role in modern web development, enabling developers to work with key-value pairs and harness the power of functional programming. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the intricacies of JavaScript Map, its features, use cases, and how it can significantly enhance your code's readability and maintainability.  Understanding the JavaScript Map What is a Javascript Map? In JavaScript, a Map is a built-in data structure introduced in ECMAScript 2015 (ES6). It is designed to store key-value pairs, allowing for efficient data retrieval based on keys. Unlike JavaScript objects, which have limitations regarding the types of keys they can use (objects and strings only), Map objects can have keys of any data type, including objects, functions, and primitives.    The primary advantages of using  JS Map include:   Preserving Key Order:   A Map maintains the order of keys as they were inserted. This feature is especially useful when you need to iterate over the keys in a specific order.    Flexible Key Types:   As mentioned earlier, Map can use a wide range of data types as keys, providing more flexibility than plain objects.    No Prototype Pollution: Map objects are immune to prototype pollution, a security vulnerability that can affect JavaScript objects.    JAVA SCRIPT Map Methods:   Property	       Description   size	              Returns the number of Map elements    Method	        Description  new Map()	Creates a new Map object  set()	                Sets the value for a key in a Map  get()	        Gets the value for a key in a Map  clear()	        Removes all the elements from a Map  delete()	        Removes a Map element specified by a key  has()	        Returns true if a key exists in a Map  forEach()	        Invokes a callback for each key/value pair in a Map  entries()	       Returns an iterator object with the [key, value] pairs in a Map  keys()	      Returns an iterator object with the keys in a Map  values()	     Returns an iterator object of the values in a Map      Creating a Map  To create a Map in JavaScript, you can use the Map constructor, which can optionally accept an iterable (such as an array) of key-value pairs. Here's an example of creating a simple Map:       const myMap = new Map();  myMap.set('name', 'John');  myMap.set('age', 30);     In this example, we've created a Map called myMap and added two key-value pairs to it.    Basic Operations  Adding and Retrieving Values  To add a key-value pair to a Map, you can use the set() method. To retrieve the value associated with a key, you can use the get() method:     myMap.set('email', '');  const age = myMap.get('age'); // age will be 30     Checking for Key Existence  You can check if a key exists in a Map using the has() method:     const hasName = myMap.has('name'); // hasName will be true  const hasAddress = myMap.has('address'); // hasAddress will be false     Removing a Key-Value Pair  To remove a key-value pair from a Map, you can use the delete() method:     myMap.delete('email'); // Removes the 'email' key-value pair    Getting the Size  The size property of a Map returns the number of key-value pairs it contains:     const mapSize = myMap.size; // mapSize will be 2   Iterating Over a Map  Iterating over the key-value pairs in a Map is straightforward using various methods such as forEach(), for...of loop, and the entries() method:     myMap.forEach((value, key) => {    console.log(`${key}: ${value}`);  });  for (const [key, value] of myMap.entries()) {    console.log(`${key}: ${value}`);  }   These methods make it easy to perform operations on each key-value pair within the Map.    Real-World Use Cases  JavaScript Map can be incredibly versatile and helpful in various scenarios. Let's explore some real-world use cases where Map shines:    1. Caching Data  Map objects are ideal for caching data. You can store the results of expensive function calls and use the function's arguments as keys. This way, if the same function is called again with the same arguments, you can quickly retrieve the cached result instead of recalculating it.     const cache = new Map();    function calculateExpensiveValue(x, y) {    const key = `${x}-${y}`;    if (cache.has(key)) {      return cache.get(key);    }      const result = x * y; // Expensive calculation    cache.set(key, result);    return result;  }      2. Maintaining Order  Map is particularly useful when you need to maintain the order of elements, such as in creating a task list where the order of tasks is crucial.     const taskList = new Map();    taskList.set(1, 'Complete feature A');  taskList.set(2, 'Test feature A');  taskList.set(3, 'Refactor code');     You can then easily iterate over the tasks in the desired order without the need for additional sorting.    3. Working with Datasets  When dealing with datasets, especially those originating from external sources, Map can help you organize and manipulate the data efficiently.     const dataMap = new Map();    // Populate dataMap from an API response  apiResponse.forEach(item => {    dataMap.set(, item);  });    // Retrieve a specific item  const item = dataMap.get(42);      4. Implementing Data Structures  Map can be used to implement more complex data structures like graphs, trees, and sets. You can represent relationships between nodes, organize data hierarchically, or create unique collections of items.    Advanced Techniques  1. Chaining Maps  You can chain multiple Map objects together to create complex data structures. For example, you can create a map of maps to represent a two-dimensional grid:     const grid = new Map();    function addToGrid(x, y, value) {    if (!grid.has(x)) {      grid.set(x, new Map());    }    grid.get(x).set(y, value);  }   This allows you to efficiently store and retrieve values based on their x and y coordinates.    2. WeakMap  In addition to the standard Map, JavaScript also provides a WeakMap object. WeakMap is similar to Map, but with a few key differences. It only accepts objects as keys (not primitives), and it doesn't prevent its keys from being garbage collected when there are no other references to them. This makes WeakMap useful for scenarios where you want to associate data with objects without preventing those objects from being cleaned up by the garbage collector.    Javascript Array map: I believe you might be looking for examples of using Java's Map with arrays. In Java, you can use the Map interface to work with key-value pairs, and you can certainly use arrays as values in a Map. Here are a couple of examples to illustrate this concept:    Example 1:   Using Map with an Array of Integers  In this example, we will create a Map where the keys are strings representing names, and the values are arrays of integers representing scores for each name.     import java.util.Arrays;  import java.util.HashMap;  import java.util.Map;    public class MapWithArrayExample {      public static void main(String[] args) {          // Create a Map to store names and their scores          Map<String, int[]> scoreMap = new HashMap<>();            // Add scores for different names          scoreMap.put("Alice", new int[]{85, 90, 78});          scoreMap.put("Bob", new int[]{92, 88, 95});          scoreMap.put("Charlie", new int[]{78, 87, 80});            // Retrieve and print scores for a specific name          String nameToLookup = "Alice";          int[] scores = scoreMap.get(nameToLookup);            if (scores != null) {              System.out.println(nameToLookup + "'s scores: " + Arrays.toString(scores));          } else {              System.out.println("Name not found.");          }      }  }     In this example, we use int[] (an array of integers) as the value type in the Map, allowing us to store multiple scores for each name.    Example 2:   Using Map with an Array of Strings In this example, we will create a Map where the keys are strings representing cities, and the values are arrays of strings representing tourist attractions in each city.     import java.util.Arrays;  import java.util.HashMap;  import java.util.Map;  public class MapWithArrayExample {      public static void main(String[] args) {          // Create a Map to store cities and their tourist attractions          Map<String, String[]> cityAttractionsMap = new HashMap<>();            // Add tourist attractions for different cities          cityAttractionsMap.put("New York", new String[]{"Statue of Liberty", "Central Park", "Empire State Building"});          cityAttractionsMap.put("Paris", new String[]{"Eiffel Tower", "Louvre Museum", "Notre-Dame Cathedral"});          cityAttractionsMap.put("Tokyo", new String[]{"Tokyo Tower", "Senso-ji Temple", "Shibuya Crossing"});            // Retrieve and print tourist attractions for a specific city          String cityToLookup = "Paris";          String[] attractions = cityAttractionsMap.get(cityToLookup);            if (attractions != null) {              System.out.println("Tourist attractions in " + cityToLookup + ": " + Arrays.toString(attractions));          } else {              System.out.println("City not found.");          }      }  }    In this example, we use String[] (an array of strings) as the value type in the Map, allowing us to store multiple tourist attractions for each city.  These examples demonstrate how you can use Java's Map interface to associate arrays with keys, making it easy to store and retrieve data in a structured manner.    Conclusion  JavaScript Map is a powerful and versatile data structure that should be in every developer's toolkit. It provides an efficient and flexible way to work with key-value pairs, maintain order, and implement various data-related tasks. By understanding its features and use cases, you can write more readable, maintainable, and efficient JavaScript code. So go ahead, start leveraging the power of Map in your projects, and unlock the potential of functional programming in JavaScript.

JavaScript, the ubiquitous language of the web, continues to evolve and offer more sophisticated tools and techniques for

developers. One such tool that has gained immense popularity in recent years is the Map object. The JavaScript Map is a versatile data structure that plays a pivotal role in modern web development, enabling developers to work with key-value pairs and harness the power of functional programming. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the intricacies of JavaScript Map, its features, use cases, and how it can significantly enhance your code's readability and maintainability.

Understanding the JavaScript Map

What is a Javascript Map?

In JavaScript, a Map is a built-in data structure introduced in ECMAScript 2015 (ES6). It is designed to store key-value pairs, allowing for efficient data retrieval based on keys. Unlike JavaScript objects, which have limitations regarding the types of keys they can use (objects and strings only), Map objects can have keys of any data type, including objects, functions, and primitives.

The primary advantages of using  JS Map include:

Preserving Key Order: 

A Map maintains the order of keys as they were inserted. This feature is especially useful when you need to iterate over the keys in a specific order.

Flexible Key Types: 

As mentioned earlier, Map can use a wide range of data types as keys, providing more flexibility than plain objects.

No Prototype Pollution: Map objects are immune to prototype pollution, a security vulnerability that can affect JavaScript objects.

JAVA SCRIPT Map Methods:

Property        Description

size               Returns the number of Map elements

Method         Description

new Map() Creates a new Map object

set()                 Sets the value for a key in a Map

get()         Gets the value for a key in a Map

clear()         Removes all the elements from a Map

delete()         Removes a Map element specified by a key

has()         Returns true if a key exists in a Map

forEach()         Invokes a callback for each key/value pair in a Map

entries()        Returns an iterator object with the [key, value] pairs in a Map

keys()       Returns an iterator object with the keys in a Map

values()      Returns an iterator object of the values in a Map

Creating a Map

To create a Map in JavaScript, you can use the Map constructor, which can optionally accept an iterable (such as an array) of key-value pairs. Here's an example of creating a simple Map:

const myMap = new Map();

myMap.set('name', 'John');

myMap.set('age', 30);

In this example, we've created a Map called myMap and added two key-value pairs to it.

Basic Operations

Adding and Retrieving Values

To add a key-value pair to a Map, you can use the set() method. To retrieve the value associated with a key, you can use the get() method:

myMap.set('email', '');

const age = myMap.get('age'); // age will be 30

Checking for Key Existence

You can check if a key exists in a Map using the has() method:

const hasName = myMap.has('name'); // hasName will be true

const hasAddress = myMap.has('address'); // hasAddress will be false

Removing a Key-Value Pair

To remove a key-value pair from a Map, you can use the delete() method:

myMap.delete('email'); // Removes the 'email' key-value pair

Getting the Size

The size property of a Map returns the number of key-value pairs it contains:

const mapSize = myMap.size; // mapSize will be 2

Iterating Over a Map

Iterating over the key-value pairs in a Map is straightforward using various methods such as forEach(), for...of loop, and the entries() method:

myMap.forEach((value, key) => {

  console.log(`${key}: ${value}`);


for (const [key, value] of myMap.entries()) {

  console.log(`${key}: ${value}`);


These methods make it easy to perform operations on each key-value pair within the Map.

Real-World Use Cases

JavaScript Map can be incredibly versatile and helpful in various scenarios. Let's explore some real-world use cases where Map shines:

1. Caching Data

Map objects are ideal for caching data. You can store the results of expensive function calls and use the function's arguments as keys. This way, if the same function is called again with the same arguments, you can quickly retrieve the cached result instead of recalculating it.

const cache = new Map();

function calculateExpensiveValue(x, y) {

  const key = `${x}-${y}`;

  if (cache.has(key)) {

    return cache.get(key);


  const result = x * y; // Expensive calculation

  cache.set(key, result);

  return result;


2. Maintaining Order

Map is particularly useful when you need to maintain the order of elements, such as in creating a task list where the order of tasks is crucial.

const taskList = new Map();

taskList.set(1, 'Complete feature A');

taskList.set(2, 'Test feature A');

taskList.set(3, 'Refactor code');

You can then easily iterate over the tasks in the desired order without the need for additional sorting.

3. Working with Datasets

When dealing with datasets, especially those originating from external sources, Map can help you organize and manipulate the data efficiently.

const dataMap = new Map();

// Populate dataMap from an API response

apiResponse.forEach(item => {

  dataMap.set(, item);


// Retrieve a specific item

const item = dataMap.get(42);

4. Implementing Data Structures

Map can be used to implement more complex data structures like graphs, trees, and sets. You can represent relationships between nodes, organize data hierarchically, or create unique collections of items.

Advanced Techniques

1. Chaining Maps

You can chain multiple Map objects together to create complex data structures. For example, you can create a map of maps to represent a two-dimensional grid:

const grid = new Map();

function addToGrid(x, y, value) {

  if (!grid.has(x)) {

    grid.set(x, new Map());


  grid.get(x).set(y, value);


This allows you to efficiently store and retrieve values based on their x and y coordinates.

2. WeakMap

In addition to the standard Map, JavaScript also provides a WeakMap object. WeakMap is similar to Map, but with a few key differences. It only accepts objects as keys (not primitives), and it doesn't prevent its keys from being garbage collected when there are no other references to them. This makes WeakMap useful for scenarios where you want to associate data with objects without preventing those objects from being cleaned up by the garbage collector.

Javascript Array map:

I believe you might be looking for examples of using Java's Map with arrays. In Java, you can use the Map interface to work with key-value pairs, and you can certainly use arrays as values in a Map. Here are a couple of examples to illustrate this concept:

Example 1: 

Using Map with an Array of Integers

In this example, we will create a Map where the keys are strings representing names, and the values are arrays of integers representing scores for each name.

import java.util.Arrays;

import java.util.HashMap;

import java.util.Map;

public class MapWithArrayExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Create a Map to store names and their scores

        Map<String, int[]> scoreMap = new HashMap<>();

        // Add scores for different names

        scoreMap.put("Alice", new int[]{85, 90, 78});

        scoreMap.put("Bob", new int[]{92, 88, 95});

        scoreMap.put("Charlie", new int[]{78, 87, 80});

        // Retrieve and print scores for a specific name

        String nameToLookup = "Alice";

        int[] scores = scoreMap.get(nameToLookup);

        if (scores != null) {

            System.out.println(nameToLookup + "'s scores: " + Arrays.toString(scores));

        } else {

            System.out.println("Name not found.");




In this example, we use int[] (an array of integers) as the value type in the Map, allowing us to store multiple scores for each name.

Example 2: 

Using Map with an Array of Strings

In this example, we will create a Map where the keys are strings representing cities, and the values are arrays of strings representing tourist attractions in each city.

import java.util.Arrays;

import java.util.HashMap;

import java.util.Map;

public class MapWithArrayExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Create a Map to store cities and their tourist attractions

        Map<String, String[]> cityAttractionsMap = new HashMap<>();

        // Add tourist attractions for different cities

        cityAttractionsMap.put("New York", new String[]{"Statue of Liberty", "Central Park", "Empire State Building"});

        cityAttractionsMap.put("Paris", new String[]{"Eiffel Tower", "Louvre Museum", "Notre-Dame Cathedral"});

        cityAttractionsMap.put("Tokyo", new String[]{"Tokyo Tower", "Senso-ji Temple", "Shibuya Crossing"});

        // Retrieve and print tourist attractions for a specific city

        String cityToLookup = "Paris";

        String[] attractions = cityAttractionsMap.get(cityToLookup);

        if (attractions != null) {

            System.out.println("Tourist attractions in " + cityToLookup + ": " + Arrays.toString(attractions));

        } else {

            System.out.println("City not found.");




In this example, we use String[] (an array of strings) as the value type in the Map, allowing us to store multiple tourist attractions for each city.

These examples demonstrate how you can use Java's Map interface to associate arrays with keys, making it easy to store and retrieve data in a structured manner.


JavaScript Map is a powerful and versatile data structure that should be in every developer's toolkit. It provides an efficient and flexible way to work with key-value pairs, maintain order, and implement various data-related tasks. By understanding its features and use cases, you can write more readable, maintainable, and efficient JavaScript code. So go ahead, start leveraging the power of Map in your projects, and unlock the potential of functional programming in JavaScript.

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